When you walk into a typical coffee shop (not Dunkin Donuts), you've typically got a unique crew of coffee drinkers. Each version may look a bit different - but their overall interests and personalities are most likely quite similar. Let's meet them, shall we?
He's got a laptop. Glasses. Either a large cup of regular or an herbal tea sits next to him. He is most likely in school, with either graduate school as a present occupation or in the near future. Despite having a meager income, his Macbook is gleaming with features and user-friendliness. He looks up every few minutes to scan the room for someone who may outrank his ambition. This man is an intellectual, so if you strike up a conversation with him, get ready to think.
She'll be engrossed in a serious conversation - either on her cell phone or with a girlfriend sitting near by. Words flying out of her mouth at a very quick and unnecessarily loud clip, enhanced heavily by the Latte (with skim milk, of course) she's holding in one hand. The dialog is nothing mindblowing - maybe last night's Project Runway, a great price on some Coach, or an experience at a downtown bar. She's on the vapid side, so if you strike up a conversation with her, make sure it's a topic from Cosmo or Perez.
In order to look the part, the couple will be perusing the Times or the Journal. They occasionally ask each other a question, or offer some commentary, but are mostly involved with their newspapers and their caffeine-laden cup nearby. He'll be trying something new - Maple Nut Crunch was today's choice. She's graduated from a Latte to a Cappuccino, mostly because that's the thing to do. Their brand new BMW is sitting outside, which he glances over at periodically, smiling under his breath that his legal career could afford them such a luxury. They aren't the friendliest people in the shop, so if you strike up a conversation with them, make sure you've got a beach house and a Platinum Visa.
On any given day, all or none of these people may be present. They may shake things up and order a French vanilla coffee or come in with a guest. All in all, though, you've got an interesting array of uniqueness which can provide some stimulating academia or a limited vocabulary that utilizes "like" after every fourth word. Welcome to the wide world of the gourmet coffee shop.
Russ Ain is a marketing manager at BostonInteractive.com, a Boston web design company. He enjoys his daily cup of gourmet coffee in various flavors.
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