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Monday, December 15, 2008

Zojirushi ECBD15 Fresh Brew Stainless Steel Thermal Carafe Coffee Maker w/ Decalcifier

Lots of folks dislike the burnt flavor that coffee gets when it sits in a glass pot over a heating element. To avoid this, coffee shops often brew right into large thermal pots to keep the coffee warm without it becoming overcooked. The Zojirushi Fresh Brew does that, too, but in home-sized batches. It looks great, too, with a glossy black body and stainless steel carafe and brew basket. To brew, lift the lid and swing the water outlet spout to one side while the filter is being loaded; the spout will return to its proper position when the lid is closed. A small red ball in the water gauge makes it extra simple to read. And an electronic clock module also serves as a timer that will start the brewer at a specified time. The carafe's lid is designed to be on during brewing, with a small cap to help keep the heat in after it's ready. The Fresh Brew also has a pause-and-serve function that stops the flow for 30 seconds while a cup of coffee is served. +PLUS+ - Durgol Swiss Espresso is a special decalcifier which decalcifies all types and brands of espresso machines at the highest level of quality. Compared to vinegar and competing descaling solutions, Durgol IS far more efficient and effective at removing scale build up. Durgol Decalcifying Liquid is also recommended by Capresso for many Capresso Coffee/Espresso Machines (check your manual for recommendations).
Customer Review: One good, one bad
I have two. They make good coffee. The problem is that on one of them the top of the canister that screws into the bottom of the canister was poorly manufactured such that it hurts my hand each time I screw it in, and it has never gotten better. Making matters worse, this screw-in top has little ridges all around its edge, presumably for better grip. Well, these ridges on the flawed top dig into the hand, causing great pain as I struggle to turn it. So, I have to use a dish towel over the cap when hand-turning it in or out. Therefore, this product is a crap-shoot. If the company would like to send me a replacement, please email me at tcurro@vhlp.net
Customer Review: Great
Zojirushi EC-BD15 Fresh Brew Thermal Carafe Coffee Maker Makes great coffee. I read other reviews that said they had problems with the filters, size, cap on the carafe. I have had no problems at all. It fits under my cabinets perfectly, I use the gold filter I bought from amazon, and as long as you read the instructions on how to use it, the carafe pours great.

Thermal carafe coffee makers are becoming more and more popular. As are their one-mug equivalents - the thermal mug coffee makers.

The reason for brewing coffee into a thermal carafe is that they keep your coffee hot, without the need for a hotplate.

Traditional drip brewers have a glass carafe that sits on a hotplate. The hotplate keeps the coffee hot, but it also "stews" the coffee over time. As a result, coffee poured from a glass carafe after half an hour or so has a bitter, stewed and generally nasty taste.

That's why people in offices take one look at the last cup remaining in the carafe, turn up their noses, pour it down the sink and make a fresh brew. (Or wait for someone else to make it.)

How long does coffee stay hot in a thermal carafe? Some manufacturers claim it will stay hot for up to two hours.

Our experience, so far, has been that after an hour or so the coffee no longer has that fresh-brewed, hot taste.

To maximize the length of time your coffee stays hot, "pre-heat" the carafe before you start brewing by pouring hot water into it, swirling it around and pouring it out again.

By doing this you ensure that none of the heat of the coffee is expended on heating the glass interior of the carafe.

You can also buy coffee machines that brew directly into one or two thermal coffee mugs. So if you need to brew-and-run in the morning, you may want to consider a coffee maker designed for one or two thermal coffee mugs.

Nicholas H. Usborne is the editor of CoffeeDetective.com. Coffee Detective is a site devoted to explaining how to make coffee at home. You can also post your coffee questions and have them answered within 24 hours.

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